Post by Dänk 42Ãgedit 3 has an annoying bug which cuts off line numbers on the left, so
numbers over 100 become unreadable. I downgraded to version 2 on my
other computers, but when I installed Xubuntu 13.10 on my laptop the bug
was still there. Has anyone else noticed this?
I use gedit all the time, but normally I turn off the line numbers.
I opened a sufficiently long file and turned on the line numbers and
everything displayed properly.
gedit 3.4.1 Mint 13 XFCE
Newsgroups: alt.os.linux.ubuntu,,alt.os.debian
I don't agree with the idea of crossposting to those 3 different groups
and I don't believe anyone should be posting into any groups they aren't
subscribed to and reading, so if I don't normally read the Deb group
then I shouldn't crosspost my reply there; then the thread may become
forked. Normally I would simply post my reply in the one group where I
read the message since I'm 'anti-crossposting'.
The idea isn't to post to all the groups where the subject or thread or
content of your initial message might apply, but I believe that you
should post to the 'one best group' which you select where your message
would be on-topic and you would be likely to get a useful reply.
Mike Easter